How to escape Illu Duty

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Before the incredible Illumination fest comes the dark night when the seniors drag you out to make you do work for illu duty. Unfortunately, some of us are not able to devote time for illumination due to other acads and co-curricular activities. Here are some tips to escape illu-duty and consequences with each step. ( Note that these may vary depending to the hall)

  • Simplest tip, go to library/maggu room, a lab/study room in your department. But its not that simple. Measures have been taken to prevent you from doing this. There are threats of being fined if your attendance is low. These threats are what makes you work for it against your will. Ignorance is bliss and what the one being forced to do the duty doesn't know is that you cannot be fined for a reason that is not legit.

FOR RP and RK *pray to god*

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