This page includes all the finances related to MetaKGP.
We currently use Digital Ocean to host our server. We are using a $10 (USD) per month droplet and we also have saved a previous droplet which amounts for $1.17 (USD) per month. Digital Ocean also charges $1.68 as Service tax so our total server expense is $12.85 per month. Being an open source organization we rely completely on donations. Till now following contributions have been made towards the server prices.
Name | Slack Handle | Amount contributed |
Naresh Ramesh | Ghostwriternr | 18$ |
Ayush Goyal | DefCon | 60$ |
Soumyadeep Mukherjee | Dementor | 24.54$ |
Vikrant Varma | Amrav | 89.52$ |
Vivek Aithal | Nuwanda | 50$ |
Demo Day
Vikrant and Vivek Aithal came up with the idea of the demo day. The idea is to hold a Demo Day once every two weeks, and award a ₹ 1000 prize to a winner randomly chosen from one of the participants, paid by Vikrant and Anonymous.
Below is the list of contributors for the demo day.
Name | Slack Handle | Amount contributed |
Himanshu Mishra | Orkohunter | Rs. 1000 |
Below are the monthly invoices of the server.
Kharagpur Open Source Society conducted Kharagpur Winter of Code in the month of December and it was decided that the top three contributors in the metakgp repository will be awarded a metakgp hoodie each.
Item | Quantity | Cost | Donor |
Hoodie | 3 | INR 3744 | Soumyadeep(@dementor) and Vivek (@nuwanda) |
Currently there are 4 extra metakgp tshirts which will be used as prize in later hackdays or events.
Item | Quantity | Cost | Donor |
T-shirt | 4 | - | Athitya Kumar, Ayush Goyal, Pranit Bauva, Harsh Gupta, Arun patro, Vivek Rai |