List of departments
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Aerospace Engineering

The department was set up in 1965 leading to B.Tech (Hons.) degree after a high power committee appointed by GOI stressed the need for manpower training in the field of Aeronautical Engineering. Over the years, the department has built up laboratories in the areas of aerodynamics, structures and propulsion. A Centre of Excellence for Composite Structures Technology, funded by ARDB, has been established in 1999. Some major thrust areas of the future are Aerospace Control Systems, Aero-Servo-Elasticity, Aerothermo-Mechanics, Industrial Aerodynamics, Air Breathing Propulsion, Composites, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Non-destructive testing and Wind Energy. Currently, the research efforts of the faculty are supported by a large number of projects sponsored by ARDB, ADA, ISRO, DST, AICTE, MHRD and many other organisations
Research Areas
Smart and Composite Structures |
Uncertainty Quantification in Aircraft Analysis & Design |
Jet controls. |
Aerospace structures |
Nonlocal elasticity |
Smart Structures |
Composite materials and nano-composites |
Optimization |
FGM Plates and Shells |
Composite and Smart Structures |
Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity |
Design & Development of MR fluid damper & Landing Gear Dynamics |
Structural Health Monitoring |
Composite Structures |
Micro Air Vehicle |
Computational Aerodynamics Experimental Aerodynamics |
Fluid Mechanics |
Aerodynamics |
Aeroacoustics |
Large Eddy Simulation |
Fluid-Structure Interaction |
Computational fluid dynamics and flight mechanics |
Flight Dynamics Controls System-Identification Neural Networks |
Combustion and propulsion |
Fault Detection and Isolation |
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) |
Combustion of Solid Fuels and Energetic Particles |
Path Planning of Autonomous Vehicles |
Droplet and Spray Combustion |
Experimental Methods in Combustion |
Atomization and Sprays |
System Identification/Parameter Estimation - Neural Networks |
Flight Dynamics & Control and Flight Testing |
Design Guidance and Control of Rockets Parafoil UAV MAV WIG-Craft etc. |
Numerical simulation of compressible and chemically reacting flows |
Combustion Driven Shock Tunnel |
Laser spectroscopy (new field) |
Two-Phase Flow Computations |
Compressible turbulence |
Turbulence-radiation interaction |
Turbulent reacting flows |
high performance computing |
Solid Mechanics |
Hydrodynamics. |
Aero-acoustics. |
Shock-Boundary Layer Interactions. |
Radiative heat transfer |
Combustion |
Trajectory Optimization |
Dubins Vehicle |
Obstacle Avoidance |
Estimation Theory |
Agricultural & Food Engineering
The department, the first of its kind in the country was set up in 1952 on the recommendation of the Dhar Committee appointed by the Board of Governors. As one of the larger departments of IIT Kharagpur, it covers a wide range of areas dealing with Post-Harvest Technology, Dairy and Food Engineering, Farm Machinery and Power Workshop, Aqua-Cultural Engineering. Sponsored research projects and development activities deal with Integrated Rainwater Management, Soil Tillage, Utilisation of Fly ash, Ergonomic Database for Agricultural Equipment, Integrating Remote Sensing Data with Distributed Hydrological Models, Model Pilot Plant for producing industrial enzymes etc. The department has filed several patent application based on its developmental work.
Research Areas
Microalgal Biofuel |
Biodegradable Polymers (Polyhydroxyalkanoates) from Cyanobacteria |
Bioremediation with Microalgae |
Bioactives from Microalgae |
Recirculatory Aquacultural Systems |
Post Harvest & Food Process Engineering |
High Pressure Processing of High Value Perishable Commodities |
Design Optimization |
Farm Machinery & Power |
Ergonomics & Safety |
Watershed Management |
Non-point Source Pollution of Soil & Water |
Climate Change Effect on Agriculture |
Rainwater Managment |
Post Harvest Engineering |
Mechanized Food Processing and Food Engineering |
Dairy and Food Process Engineering |
Cage for mariculture |
Hydrological modelling & Watershed management |
Crop yield modelling |
Climate change analysis & applications in water and crop management |
Micro Irrigation |
Greenhouse Technology |
Flood Forecasting |
Design Flood Estimation |
Flood Inundation Modeling and Hazard Assessment |
Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Surface Water Hydrology |
Hydrological Modeling |
Value based education |
Functional Foods |
Starch based edible and biodegradable film |
Diversion from phenolics to volatile terpenoids biosynthesis in transformed roots of carrot |
Development of farm Implements |
Biofuel production and hybrid power generation |
Rice Transplanter |
Tea Process Machinery |
Irrigation and Water Management |
Hydrological Modelling |
Groundwater Management using RS-GIS and MCDM Techniques |
Basin-wide Simulation-Optimization Modeling of Groundwater Systems |
Inverse Modeling for Aquifer Parameter Estimation |
Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge |
Utilisation and isolation of bioactive component from food waste |
Digital soil mapping and hyperspectral remote sensing |
Water and solute transport |
Unsaturated zone hydrology |
Aeration Technology |
Water quality modelling and management |
Biofiltration Technology |
Sustainable & Precision Production Agriculture |
Climate Change Adaptations & Mitigations |
Crop Growth & Yield Simulation |
Algal Food Biotechnology |
Food Biotechnology |
Bioenergy |
Enzymology & its Biotechnological applications |
Protein Chemistry |
Dairy & Food Process Engineering |
Development of low cost - farm level processing equipment |
Grain Storage Technology |
Rural and cottage industries machinery |
RTE Health Foods & Nutraceuticals |
Innovative Food Processing Technologies |
Horticultural & Plantation Crop Products Processing |
Food Safety & Quality Control |
High pressure processing of high value perishables |
Integrated Land and Water Resources Planning and Management |
Water Conservation and Reuse for Climate Resilient Agriculture |
Cold Storage |
CA and MA storage of fruits and vegetables |
Irrigation System Mangement |
Development and Transfer of Rural Technnlogy |
Soil Science & Plant nutrition |
Soil less culture Organic farming Tea production and processing |
1 Tractor power systems 2. Traction modelling 3. Precision agriculture |
By-product utilization |
Tillage and Traction |
Heat and Mass transfer during drying of food products |
Mathematical modeling and simulation in food drying process |
CO2 mitigation in solar dryers |
CO2 capture and storage |
Process Systems Analyses and Simulations |
Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Water Resources and Watershed Management |
Food Science and Technology |
Cryogenic grinding of spices |
Soil-Tool Interaction |
Precision Agriculture |
Understanding molecular oscillations of scent volatiles emission in evening blooming flowers |
Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms |
Evaluating metabolic perturbations in genetically-engineered root cultures of tobacco |
Waste utilization in aquaculture |
Ecology and environmental pollution |
Chemical-free farming |
Mind and consciousness |
Stress management and control |
Discrete Element Analysis of grinding |
CFD analysis of temperature distribution in precooler |
Identification of flavour trait(s) in Darjeeling tea accessions by targeted metabolomics |
Food Process Engineering |
Plant Tissue Culture Engineering |
2.Post-harvest Technology 3.Forest Weed & Water Management 4.Food Laws & Standards |
Agricultural water and waste management |
Irrigation hydraulics and modeling |
Nonpoint source agricultural pollution |
Nanomaterials in Agriculture |
Grain Storage Structures and Stored Grain Quality |
Traction and tillage performance improvement in walking tractor |
Groundwater Investigation-Recharge Analysis and Seawater Intrusion |
Non-thermal Methods of Food Processing |
Aquacultural Engineering |
Selection of superior scented rice cultivars through targeted metabolomics |
Plant Image Analysis |
Impact of LED on Plant Morphogenesis |
Vibration based Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) |
Farm Machinery and Renewable Energy |
WSN in Water Management |
Water and Energy Conservation in Food Processing Industries |
Cyanobacterial Biofertilizer |
Microwave application in popping of grain |
Pneumatic polishing of rice |
Improvement of floral scent in evening-blooming plants by induced mutagenesis |
Ultrastructural analysis of floral tissues for understanding scent volatiles emission |
Measurement and modeling in agricultural systems |
Contaminant transport |
Transport Processes in Food Engineering |
Packaging and Storage Studies |
Numerical Modelling |
Sustainable Agricultural Production |
Design and Developments of Products |
Field Investigation and Modeling of Flow and Transport Processes in Vadose-Zone Systems |
Architecture & Regional Planning
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, was formed in 1980. Since its inception, the department has been recognised all over the world for excellence in research and teaching. The department has a thriving research environment with active research groups in the areas of Algorithms and Theory, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Complex and Social Networks, Data and Web Mining, Formal Methods, Information and System Security, Software Engineering, and Systems and Networking. Graduates from the department are heavily recruited by both academia and industry, and alumni of the department occupy top positions in both academia and industry all over the world.
You can refer to the Department of Computer Science & Engineering's wiki to get more information.
Cryogenic Engineering
Center for Educational Technology
Electrical Engineering
Electronics & Electrical Communication Engineering
G S Sanyal School of Telecommunications
Geology & Geophysics
Starting in 1952, the department expanded to allied areas of applied geology, and exploration geophysics. The department recorded commanding achievements through collaborative work with various organisations like ONGC, GSI, OIL, UCIL, DAE etc. The sponsored projects undertaken by the department include crustal evolution and geochronology of Singbhum, central, Rajasthan and southern Indian cratons, experimental petrology, gold and uranium mineralisation, mineral magnetics, Himalayan orogeny and sedimentation, stable isotopes in Phanerozoic climate change, evolution of Ganges delta, hydrology of Bengal basin and coastal aquifers, seismic tomography and deep crustal structure, seismic hazard and microzonation, near surface geophysics, archaeology of eastern India and Indus valley civilisation, planetary investigation of meteorites and mars, and consultancy projects in ground water assessment, river chemistry, seismic hazard and mining geology. The department hosts two DST national facilities of stable isotope and electron probe micoanalysis, and a state of the art non-traditional and radiogenic MC-ICP MS laboratory. Besides, the department hosts a spectrum of modern analytical and field equipment namely, X-ray diffractometer, Raman laser, FTIR, gas and ion chromatographs, liquid scintillation counter, fluid inclusion stages, magnetic susceptibility Kappa bridge etc. The geophysics laboratory hosts magneto-telluric, and array of geophysical equipment including gravimeter and resistivity meters, radiation dosimeters, large number of seismometers and a nationally networked broadband seismic observatory. The department has well equipped engineering geology and remote sensing laboratories. The department has made fundamental contributions in dating oldest rocks in India, Precambrian orogeny and metamorphism, Himalayan evolution and Cenozoic climate change, arsenic pollution in Bengal basin, crustal structure below Himalayas, sesimic microzonation of major cities, geotechnical properties of rocks, coastal geomorphology, theoretical electromagnetics, discovering martian analogues and unravelling the oldest roots of Indus valley civilisation. The faculty members are fellows of national science academies, recipient of national geoscience award, and in editorial boards of prestigeous international journals
Humanities & Social Sciences
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Information Technology
Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science & Technology
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Mining Engineering

Being the first of its kind in the country, the department was established in 1952. during the last 60 years of its existence, the department has made significant contributions to the development of shipbuilding and shipping industries in the country including the Indian Navy, Indian Coastal Guard, DRDO and other allied organisations. The department and its alumni have important and strategic links with universities round the world and major shipyard and dock organizations in our country. In addition to teaching and training at the various levels of bachelors, masters and doctoral programs, the Department is also actively involved in various research and industrial projects sponsored by government, research organizations and industry. Some of the sponsored projects include Standard Hull Design for Mechanised Craft, Energy Audit of Ships and Scheduling of Propeller Maintenance, Development of Design Rules for Composite Ships and Boats, Computation of 3D Ship Motion and Sea Load. Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture is a discipline that embraces diverse areas of engineering sciences. In a broad sense, this discipline is concerned with design, development, operation and planning of systems that operate in the marine and ocean environment. Areas of study under this include marine vehicles for cargo and passenger transportation, offshore activities, ocean mining, ocean and marine hydrodynamics, harnessing of non-conventional energy sources etc., reflecting the diversity of the field. In order to provide a multidisciplinary knowledge base, the course curriculum is framed by integrating many disciplines in engineering sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, humanities and management. The academic programs prepare students for a highly rewarding career in this rapidly expanding field. The academic and research programs are designed emphasizing on cutting edge knowledge in the subject areas of marine structures, hydrodynamics, ocean environment, hydroelasticity, offshore technology, design of marine vehicles & systems, coastal engineering, marine production and planning, coastal processes. Various laboratories of the Department provide opportunity to the students to gain valuable practical `on-hand’ experience. Laboratory work and design projects are incorporated extensively throughout the academic curriculum by means of the core and elective courses.
Research Areas
Ship dynamics
Mathematical modelling
Coastal Hydrodynamics
Wave and Tidal Energy
Computational Weld Mechanics and Welding Technology
Ship Structures Structural Engineering Composite Materials Naval Architecture.
Free Surface Hydrodynamics
Marine Hydrodynamics
Marine Structural Engineering
Wind-Wave Modeling
Marine Acoustics
Coastal Processes
Coastal Sediment Dynamics
Physical & Dynamical Oceanography
Marine Design and Production
Wave past porous structures
Marine Dynamics
Port & Harbour Engineering
Ocean Wave Climate Projections
Dynamics of Marine Vehicles
Seakeeping and Maneuvering
Boundary value problems
Wave-Structure Interaction
Wave Energy Converters
Hydroelasticity of Floating Structures and Ships
Turbulence Modeling in Oceanography
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Marine operation for subsea installation
Structural vibration control
Wave Structure Interaction
Structural Health Monitoring
Fluid Structure Interaction
Composite Structures
Tidal energy
Thrust Areas
CFD, Coastal Marine Hazards, Marine and Ocean Hydrodynamics, Numerical Hydrodynamics, Ocean Structures, Marine structural analysis, Ocean Wave & Circulation Modeling, Marine Design, Coastal Processes, Storm Surge Prediction & Tsunamis, Suspended Sediment Dynamics, Hydroelasticity, Marine Acoustics.
1 Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory - The laboratory consists of a towing tank 150m long, 4m wide and 2.5m deep and equipped with a towing carriage of maximum speed of 6m/sec. The towing carriage has resistance and propulsion dynamometers with NI based hardware to control the carriage speed and Labview based data acquisition system. A 2D wave maker, single paddle, wetback type with AWACS (Automatic Wave Absorption and Control System) that can generate regular and irregular waves up to 40cm wave height and up to 3 sec wave period is installed at one end of the towing tank. The laboratory has a GPRS linked, Motion Recording Unit (MRU) that can record all 6 DoF. The hydrodynamics laboratory conducts resistance, propulsion and seakeeping experiments for ship models. The laboratory also has a 3-D velocity component measuring unit (acoustic type) for measuring flow dynamics around submerged body /sediment flow. The laboratory has underwater load cells for measuring mooring loads on floating structures
2 Circulating Water Tunnel - A circulating water tunnel with a test section of 6m long, 2m wide, 1.5m deep and water speed of 1m/sec with flow control facilities enables studies of flow around floating and submerged bodies as well as measurement of sediment transportation.
3 Welding and Marine Construction Laboratory - This laboratory is equipped with various welding units, namely submerged arc welding, shielded metal arc welding, friction stir welding and gas welding. The laboratory also has a set up plate forming using line heating. The welding units have suitable computer support for data acquisition and analysis. Work carried out in this laboratory is in the area of welding simulation, residual stress, weld induced distortion and control.
4 Structure and Vibration Laboratory - The laboratory is equipped with a 50kN Universal Testing Machine complete with all accessories to carry out experiments with tensile, compressive and bending loads. The equipment also has a multipoint digital strain data logger.
5 Model Making Workshop - To support the experimental activities for the above mentioned laboratories, the Department has a well-equipped workshop to fabricate ship models and other accessories for experiments. The models are made of wax, wood, fibre glass, perspex, foam, etc.
6 The Department also has a Computational Hydrodynamics Laboratory (sponsored by Naval Research Board) and a CAD Laboratory. In addition, there are two more RS and MTech laboratories. Each research scholar is provided with a desktop computer along with required accessories including internet connection. The laboratories of the Department are equipped with various softwares like WAMIT, ORCAFLEX, NAPA, MAXSURF, MULTISURF, SHIPFLOW, CD-ADAPCO, STAAD, ANSYS Aqua, SIMO, Symbols Grapher, Rhinoceros, FLUENT, Midas Civil for structural analysis, Photomodeler for programmatic measurements, ADCIRC, SACS etc. The Department is continuously upgrading the hardware and software facilities of all the laboratories with state of the art instruments and data acquisition systems.
Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences
Quality Engineering Design and Manufacturing
P K Sinha Centre for Bio Energy
Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship
Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law
The Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law was born in 2006 within the precincts of the 2200 acre lush, green campus of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur. This school enjoys the rare distinction of being the only law school within the IIT system. It offers a 3 year residential LLB course with an Honors in Intellectual Property Law. In the three years of stay the students receive a firm grounding in general laws and are exposed to intellectual property laws from the second year onwards. The laws relating to Copyright, Patents, Trademarks and Designs are as much a part of the curriculum as the Commercial Laws, Corporate Laws or Criminal Law. Students are well equipped in practical aspects of Patent drafting, Patent search, legal research, legal drafting, mooting etc. A minimum of Three months of internship is mandatory and most of the students have completed quality internships at notable firms and companies. Nine students from the current placement and internship batch have even cleared the Patent agent exam. Students actively participate and bring laurels in debate and moot court competitions.
Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management
"Large infrastructure projects require strong, interdisciplinary technical and management skills. It has therefore become imperative that Institutes bestowed with solid foundations in engineering, architecture, and management skills should initiate academic programmes to develop trained manpower in this upcoming area of infrastructure design and management. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur has a vantage position with regard to its existing faculty and academic programmes in the areas of engineering, architecture and management. The institute, with its numerous academic departments, centers and schools with academic programmes in such wide ranging areas such as law, management, architecture and engineering, is in a uniquely advantageous position to contribute to the nation's goal of building world-class infrastructure."
Ankhi Banerjee
Arkopal Kishore Goswami
Swati Maitra
Reliability Engineering Centre
Rubber Technology Centre
Rural Development Centre
School of Bioscience
School of Energy Science
School of Environmental Science and Technology
School of Nano-Science and Technology
School of Water Resources
Vinod Gupta School of Management
Rajiv Gandhi Shcool of IP Law