Rajendra Prasad Hall of Residence

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Rajendra Prasad Hall of Residence
Rajendra Prasad Hall of Residence
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Founded 1954
Motto श्रेष्ठता एवं दक्षता (Best and Efficient)
Warden Prof. Arnab Atta
Asst. Warden(s) Prof. Kiran Vijayan (mess) and Prof. Palash Dey (maintainance)
Hall President Animesh Mujawadiya
SSM Ankan Biswas
Office No. +91 3222 281154
Website http://www.rphall.iitkgp.ac.in
Capacity 853
Gender Male
Sharing Single, Double, Triple
Canteen Carlos
Shops Rocky's Snacks Shop, Maity Stationary Shop, Nescafe
References: [1]

Rajendra Prasad Hall of Residence, known as RP Hall, is one of the halls of residence at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. It is named after

Rajendra Prasad, the first president of the Republic of India. RP Hall is the second largest undergraduate hall of residence, in terms of size and boarder strength, and was the largest until LBS was converted into an undergraduate-only hall in 2014.[citation needed] It is the closest hall to Puri Gate.

The motto of the Hall is श्रेष्ठता एवं दक्षता (Best and Efficient). The hall plaque, as recited religiously during freshers' introduction, orientation programs and hall elections goes as follows:

Satyamev Jayate

This hall is named the Rajendra Prasad Hall of Residence in gratitude and admiration for the dedication and sacrifice with which Dr. Rajendra Prasad, first president of the Republic of India, has served his country.



File:Rajendra Prasad Hall of Residence
Rajendra Prasad Hall of Residence

RP Hall was always known to have housed some of the most chivalrous and well mannered boarders during yesteryears, hence paving way for its motto. The image is always taken care of by the incoming batch of students, where manners and etiquette are highly emphasized upon by the seniors. Established and inaugurated in 1954, the hall completed its diamond jubilee in the year 2014-15.[citation needed]

RP hall is traditionally known for its strong record in Illumination and Rangoli held on Diwali, having won the event 23 times out of 33 times it has been organized.[citation needed] It has also performed well in the Technology General Championship held by TSG, leading up to the year 2006-07, when it won the championship.[citation needed] The period from 2007-08 to 2010-11 saw an extended drought of medals and finishes in General Championships, while the hall focused and kept winning the Illumination and Rangoli events on a regular basis. Interest towards the other two championships: General Championship (Sports) and General Championship (Social and Cultural), was renewed since 2011.[unverified] RP Hall succeeded in securing a podium finish in at least two of the general championships in 2012-13 and 2013-14[citation needed], and won the General Championship (Social and Cultural) in the year 2014-15 by securing 765 points, with a total of 14 medals including 6 Gold, 5 Silver and 3 Bronze.[citation needed]

Awards and recognition

Every year, during the farewell ceremony for the final year students and swearing-in ceremony of the incoming hall council members, several awards are given out as a vote of thanks to the graduating boarders for their huge contribution to the hall culture and performance in championships.

Hall Freedom Cup - The Final Year Who Shall Be Missed The Most

R.P. Hall Cup - The Final Year With Highest Degree Of Tempo

Prof. Mishra Cup - Best Outgoing Sportsman

Year Name
1966-67 A.K. Varshney
1967-68 D. Peter Nandi
1968-69 A.K.Basu, D.K.Deka, V.D. Garg
1969-70 R.K.Pathak
1970-71 Richard D'Souza
1971-72 S.M.Goel
1972-73 No Award
1973-74 Shyamal Chowdhury
1974-75 R.K.Sood
1975-76 Dilip Sharma
1976-77 Samir Roy
1977-78 A. Das
1978-79 Rakesh Agarwal
1997-2001 Nishant Chadha

Prof. Mitra Cup - Best Outgoing All-rounder

Prof. J. Das Cup - Best Outgoing Academician

Ranjitha Memorial Cup - Second & Third Best Outgoing Academician

Sandesh Jat Memorial Cup - Best Final Year in Choreography

Saurabh Jha Memorial Cup - Best Final Year in Social & Cultural

R. K. Brahma Cup - Best Final Year in Technology

Badhwar Cup - Best Fresher Overall, Most Active Fresher, Most Loved Fresher, Best Fresher in Technology, Best Fresher Sportsman

Kalakriti - Best Fresher in Social & Cultural

Executive Hall Council

Designation 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
Hall President Arjun Sharma Animesh Mujawadiya Prajapati Devarsh Dharmendrabhai Utkarsh Saxena Utsav Mazumder Kartik Gupta Mrityunjaya Mohapatra Anil Kumar Jangid Abhijeet Raj Sangam Tirthraj
Second Senate Member Goutam Kumar Behera Ankan Biswas Rana Madhvendra Madhvendra Pratap Singh Ankit Chahar Harsh Kumar Sharan Chetan Anand Aditya Harbhajanka Himanshu Agarwal Aayush Bagri
General Secretary Mess Madhur Sunil Kumar Abhilash Vangapandu Rahul Choudhary Agnibha Roy Pratik Bharti Akshat Shah Sumit Kumar Himanshu Agarwal
General Secretary Social & Cultural Shubh Guwalani Goutam Kumar Behera Aditya Khandelwal Ayush Kumar Madhvendra Pratap Singh Subhajit Bisbas Ashish Yadav Abhishek Priyadarshi Suphlay Gupta Korukonda Srinivasa Mahesh
General Secretary Sports & Games Parth Barhate Jai Prakash Kumar Manav Singh Raghav Ratnesh Lariya Utkarsh Saxena Sahil Yadav Kartik Gupta Prateek Jain Anil Kumar Jangid
General Secretary Technology Manish Gupta Sachin Agarwal Animesh Mujawadiya Sudhanshu Heda Arpit Garg Ankit Chahar Lovish Puri Vedant Jambhulkar Mahendra Kumar Hudda
General Secretary Alumni Affairs Aniket Patel Atharva Nigoskar
General Secretary Maintenance Sonu Kumar Rai Nishant Bhagat Prajapati Devarsh Dharmendrabhai Yogesh Patidar Sourabh Jyoti Bohra Debashish Jena Ajay Garhwal
General Secretary Students' Welfare Aryan Sharma Mayank Kumar Sahil Kumar Fardeen Farhan Pettiwala Amritash Bharadwaj


The hall has been divided into 5 blocks: A, B, C, D, and E. Each of the A, B, C, and D blocks has two floors above the ground floor, while E has three. There are 47 wings in the hall (3 in A, 6 in B, 13 each in C & D and 12 in E). While A, B, C and D are collectively known as old blocks, E was inaugurated in 2009[unverified] and is known as the new block. The old blocks have single and double occupancy rooms, while E has triple sharing rooms. The mess and the two common rooms are adjacent to the A block and are near the entrance gate. There is one more entrance to the hall apart from the main gate, which is mostly locked and is opened in special occasions. It opens right behind one of the cycle sheds of the hall. The hall has three cycle sheds in total. The hall office is situated in A block, while library is in B block.

Music room

RP Hall has a soundproof music room.[unverified]

Mess and common room

The mess consists of two dining halls, mainly known as old and new mess. It also has two pancake machines, a store room, mess office and more than 20 workers serving meals 4 times a day each day of the week. The old common room has a LCD television, with home theater sound system installed. It was renovated with state-of-the-art wall paints in the year 2012, curtains, exhaust fans and window nets were also installed. It has a seating capacity of around 200 during the times of cricket matches, havan-puja or hall elections.

Eateries and shops

The hall has 3 eating outlets - Carlos (owned by Kalyan Bhattacharjee), Rocky's (owned by Rockey Kaleliya) and Nescafé (owned by Sambit Majumdar). It also has a stationary shop (owned by Maity), barber shop and a cycle repair shop.[2]

Sports facilities

The hall also has a gymnasium, basketball court, football ground, badminton court, volleyball court, cricket nets, and a hockey ground.[2]


R.P. Hall has left its mark in several places when it comes to glorious performances as a unit. The Rangoli made by Surendra Kumar Verma and team in the year 2010-11 got an entry into Ripley's Believe It Or Not.[3] In dramatics, Spartacus (Hindi) in the year 2012-13 directed by Kartikeya Pradhan and Pankaj Kodan broke the record for highest points in a dramatics event, notching up 97.5 points out of possible 100, clean sweeping all the awards and winning the Gold medal.[unverified] Aladdin The Musical in the year 2014-15 directed by Nayrhit Bhattacharya and Mahesh K.S. was the biggest ever play on the stage of Kharagpur in terms of sets, costumes, budget and cast.[unverified] The Illumination records are made and broken every year by the R.P. Hall itself, ranging from maximum area covered to the highest chatai to the maximum number of oil lamps lit at once.[unverified] The Deputy Director and ex-Dean of Students' Affairs, Prof. Souvik Bhattacharya hailed R.P. Hall's efforts during Diwali as 'beyond the competition'.[unverified] The aquatics team of R.P. Hall is known for being shark-like in the pool, with sheer dominance spanning over last 7 years across all the swimming events and Water Polo.[unverified] The Design team, making contributions to Illumination-Rangoli, sets of various dramatics events and other designing affiliations is known to be the best in business.

List of notable alumni

  • Vaibhav Pandey (computer scientist)
  • Anvesh Dunna (fine arts)
  • Ramakumar Ramachandra (software programming)
  • Arnav Kumar (Former Vice President, TSG)
  • Mrigesh Parashar (singing)
  • Vikrant Singh Kirar (photography and film making)
  • Arjun Malhotra (co-founder HCL)[4]
  • Nishant Chadha (mining and oil&gas)
